Friday, January 9, 2009


This year has already proven to be an exciting one. So much has happened in the last 8 days that I am not at liberty to even talk about them but believe me God is good. On top of all that I am getting my first sister, well she will be my sister-in-law but she already feels like a sister. My little brother Lamar (not really little because he is 28) popped the question to his girlfriend at my house last night and of course she said "yes." The ring is absolutely beautiful and I am so thrilled for them. Unfortunately he left tonight to return to Kuwait where he has 5 more months to live. So nonetheless, congrats to them and keep him in your prayers as he returns safely to Kuwait as we sleep at peace in our homes.

Big ups little brother!


Angie said...

Congrats to Lamar! We will keep him in our prayers.

P.S. I miss you!

P.P.S. Did you hear about that girl that got pregnant even though she had an IUD?

P.P.P.S. I'm just messin' with you!

Bridgette's Odyssey said...

Congrats to the little brother! I thought you wanted to tell us that Paul and Preston were going to have a little sister.