Thursday, January 22, 2009

Golden Corral

This post is really about our nation and our inability to take care of our health. I had lunch at Golden Corral this afternoon (I know what your thinking...what the he##!) I typically enjoy going there only because I want a wide variety of things and its inexpensive. The food is not that bad if you like cafeteria style food. So as I am sitting there eating alone I started to observe everyone around me. I then started to realize that at least 50% of the people in there was obese. What's even more sad is that the obese people were the ones with the biggest plates and the most frequent trips back to the buffet. It was so sad that I felt sick. This one guy was no less than 300 pounds and he had every type of meat, starch and fried treat on all his plate. He never once ate any vegetable, salad or fruit. I know this is the south and we are the largest group of people in the U.S. but what are we doing to change it. We (GA, AL, MS) have the highest number of obese adults and children than any other state in the US. Aren't there 50 states? That is so sad. Don't get me wrong I am not trying to be mean to anyone who is weight challenged, I am just saying I want us all to be healthier. I am always fussing at my mom and aunts to lose weight because I don't want anything to happen to them. Often times it really stems from your upbringing. If you grew up eating fried food and starches everyday then your likely to continue to cook this way when your an adult and have your own family. But somewhere down the line someone has to make the change for the better. I read a study a few years ago that revealed that insurance companies prefer people with comorbidities because they die sooner than healthy people. If everyone was healthy and lived to be 90 years old then insurance companies would go broke paying their premiums for all those years versus someone who is unhealthy and will probably die by 50 years old.

My old friend from church in Houston had a stroke last night and it has me really sad. She is only in her mid 40's but was obese (not saying that caused her stroke) but as a nurse I know it didn't help prevent it.

I actually told myself earlier I was going to comically write about Golden Corral to blast them about aiding folks in getting phat but it turned into a plea to be healthier. But not just for myself but for all my people. Stop putting all that mac and cheese, potato salad, rice, mashed potatoes, bread, fried chicken, crab cakes, bread pudding etc on your plate. As a matter of fact don't even cook that $hi!.......dang I got carried away.


Bridgette's Odyssey said...

I agree that someone has to start making a change. At a minimum, let the unhealthy stuff be a rare treat when you need that comfort food. But, we really can eat healthier every day. Dwayne refuses to eat at Golden Corral but his father likes it for the same reasons as you. So, while they were here, me and my father-in-law ate lunch there. I was also saddened by seeing the biggest people there gorging themselves on the most unhealthy food.

bklynq said...

Can we at least have some of the food sometimes? I don't want to eat mac and cheese everyday.