Monday, October 13, 2008

Class Reunion

This past weekend we attended Paul's 20 year high school class reunion in Orlando, FL. It was really nice to go to his old school and see his old classmates. I know he enjoyed reflecting back on the past. Its wonderful to see how awesome our lifes have turned out in the end. We danced a little and ate a lot.

So what was the bad part about the! Unfortunately, a trip that should have taken 7 hours of drive time turned into an almost 10 hour drive back to Atlanta. Believe it or not Preston did great. He ate and slept the entire trip. His big brother unfortunately drove us insane. We were taking 30 to 45 minute breaks that's how exhausting Trey was. He just could not sit still in that car seat for more than 2 hours and he has always refused to sleep in his car seat that hasn't changed at all. And to make matters worse we are potty training him which called for more stops. He screamed he had to "poo poo potty" for maybe 2 hours. Everytime we stopped he dropped no poo in the potty. Finally on the last stop 1 hour from home he dropped a log cabin in the potty. He was so happy and proud of himself but daddy and I were ready to put a straight jacket on him but we clapped for him as we should.

Sorry there aren't any pictures but we forgot the camera. But I am sure you all know we looked fabulous! Paul has definitely aged like fine wine (just better and better) especially if you look at that old 1988 year book picture.

Kudos baby!


Unknown said...

Glad you had a good time at Paul's reunion. I need you to remember the camera. I like pics!!! LOL!!!

Bridgette's Odyssey said...

20 years! Dang, Paul is old! Just kidding.