Sunday, September 28, 2008


If you continue to live people then you will continue to learn. I made a huge mistake this past Thursday by taking both of my sons to the pediatrician for shots at the same time. I really did not have much of a choice because I didn't have anyone else to assist me with a 2 year old and a 2 month old so I went in like a stallion and came out like a pony!

Trey started the visit off being Mr. Personality. He said hello to everyone and talked to all the nurses and his pediatrician Dr. Moore with a big smile. Preston just laid in my arms and enjoyed the comfort of his mother's warm bosom. Trey got his one shot first and of course cried but stopped pretty quickly after it was done. He received his stickers for being such a big boy and was happy after about a minute. Well then it was time for little Preston. Preston received 4 shots (2 in each leg) and he did not enjoy that one bit as you can imagine. Unfortunately or fortunately maybe, his big brother Trey was watching him get the shots and started crying all over again for Preston. I almost started crying because it was so sweet, he cried out "Preston don't cry, no bad shots mommy, hurt Preston." It was so sweet to see him sad for his brother. He really really loves Preston and has bonded with him so well since his birth. Of course after a couple of minutes they both stopped crying and we got dressed to leave.

So you ask where is the mistake in all this. Well the drama really started at the end of the visit. Dr. Moore has a beautiful big aquarium in the front lobby of the office and all the kids love to look at the colorful fish. My son Trey did not want to leave the colorful fish on this particular day. So I have Preston in my arms crying again from his 4 painful shots and Trey standing in front of the aquarium crying loudly "I want fish mommy, fish mommy, fish mommy PEASSSSE (translation please)!" Well of course I tried to calm him down and explain that we could not take the 10,000 galloon aquarium and fish with us but we would come back to see the fish another day but this did not work with a 2 year old. Meanwhile, the front desk staff is staring at him act a fool and show his butt; so they politely ask could they assist me with the kids and I say no I got it. Well Trey fell out on the ground crying, screaming and telling me "NO MOMMY!" I grabbed him firmly and said once again "lets go Trey" and he told me "no mommy want fish" well I told him "you want a fish and mommy wants a tranquilizer gun so let's go!"

He was dragged out on his knees kicking and screaming. So embarrassing people. I need some Xanax in my life or a full time nanny!


Bridgette's Odyssey said...

All I can say is HAHAHAHAHA!!! Welcome to the club. You are now a part of the that-lady-needs-to-get-control-of-her-wild-kids club. I'm all too familiar!

Unknown said...

LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! I am dying over here. I am slowly understanding the mothers who are out with their kids, acting crazy. I see why the mothers are just like ????

Does this mean I'll be part of that club one day? ;)

Unknown said...

That is hilarious! Thanks for the great laugh. Now go and get my nephew some fish!