Saturday, November 22, 2008


After rushing through crazy Atlanta traffic at 5pm on a Friday afternoon I finally arrived to the school to pick up the boys. I was in a great mood and had had a really good day though exhausted as usual especially since its the end of the week. So I walk in to get Preston and there is a note attached to his clip board. The note which begins with 'unfortunately' states that the tuition prices are increasing again. I almost had a stroke! I marched right up to the directors office and had a complete breakdown. I really think it is ridiculous to overcharge for any services whether it be getting your car fixed, hair done, just anything at all. But what I wanted to know is why is the cost going up to almost $300 dollars a week to change my infants diaper and give him 3 bottles. Hell he sleeps half the day when he is there anyway. As you can see I am still pissed off! They were attempting to calm me down as I lectured them on the nonimportance of this price increase and of course there was no justification. "Well Mrs. Alphonse the economy is changing and things are hard." Heifer things are hard for everyone but why take advantage of everyone else because of your struggle to retain teachers. I asked repeatedly what added benefit is there for justifying this price increase in the infant room........NO GOOD ANSWER was given. I asked for a open forum/discusssion for all parents to be apart of so that we can be given the opportunity to ask questions and receive worthwhile information to help us decide if this is the right place for our children. There is no doubt that maybe the older pre-k children and toddlers may cost a little more just based on the fact that they do field trips, activities, utilize papers etc and eat meals there. I bring in all Preston's diapers, wipes, bottles and clothes. So what in the hell are you really doing for him.

I am now searching for a nanny or I will keep him myself!


Angie said...

That's CRAZY!!! Sounds like the boys need to visit Aunt Angie during the week.

Dance411 said...

girl! i know some nanny's that seem great! let me know if you want some numbers! That's crazy, is trey still under $300! Basically you are working just to send them to school! Crazy!! But I know YOU will go crazy keeping them yourself! Heehee!!

bklynq said...

I see what you are talking about. I think you might definitely need to look into that nanny. So what is Trey's tution? Is that going up also?

Bridgette's Odyssey said...

Wow! When my kids were going to sitter, we paid less than $200 a week for both of them. $300 is a bit much.

Unknown said...

WOW!!! I read the other post first. OH MY GOODNESS!!! I think there are many industries/stores/places that are just increasing prices to increase their bottom line. God forbid they feel the pinch of this economy. They will when everyone stops buying or takes their business elsewhere.

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