Today is the start of a new future down a road never tread before. But not just for black people but for all people of all colors, ethnicities, religions or anything else that makes us different. This is the start to a much needed healing for a race of people who have not been able to grow and excel because of uneccessarily shed blood, sweat, tears and struggles. I believe that Barack Obama is that God sent disciple that will help lead us to freedom. Not the type of freedom that our four fathers like Martin Luther King Jr., Joseph Lowery, Andrew Young, Jesse Jackson and countless others fought so hard to get for us but true freedom that exist in our thoughts and dreams.
I can now truly say that my children can dream bigger than I ever did. And when they are sitting in class and the teacher ask what they want to be when they grow up they can say "President of the United States of America" and no one will laugh or giggle. Maybe now even I as a 30 something year old black woman can let go of the racism I experienced growing up in the deep south. Although we will bare these scars for life they will soon fade and give us a new found peace.
This election was not about color it was truly about change, change for us all. Barack Obama embodies the compassion and charisma that bonds us all together. His heartfelt compassion for his country and his family gives me comfort to try harder. He loves his family and his wife as God teaches us to. He is the man, he is our next 44th president.
I have been joyfully crying off and on all day.(yeah I know I'm a wuss)I explained to my babies, that this is a wonderful day in history! They were very attentive. Half of them because my eyes were filling with water, the other half seems to really understand. We had a mock election Monday. I gave my views on the candidates, the children voted on the computer, and got "I voted" stickers.I then demanded that they go home and make their parents vote. I told them that it didn't matter who they voted for, (I knew that if I told them Ms. Johnson was voting for Obama, that's who they would tell their parents to vote for)but as long as they voted and got their stickers. Pre-K children LOVE stickers! Yesterday I had several parents come up and tell me that they voted and "YES THEY VOTED FOR OBAMA"(mission accomplished) I even had the parent that I had to personally register to vote come and show me her sticker! I was overjoyed. Anyway, back to my babies, I was elated when I asked them first thing this morning, "Who is going to be the next President of the United States"? They all screamed "Marack Bobama", or something that rhymed with this. It was amazing to see my four year olds, even the one that doesn't know the color red, exclaim his name with such excitement. They know who he is, and I believe that they will remember where they were and what they were doing on this WONDERFUL day! It gave me GREAT PLEASURE to look into their eyes, and tell them that they can be ANYTHING that their little hearts desire, and actually mean it! It's been a long time coming. Okay, I had stopped crying for the evening, and now it's coming back. Gotta go! Love ya, Thanks, Shanee'
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