So I have a freezer full of cheap popsicles. The ones that cost a nickel and are all the colors of the rainbow. Trey and I play a little game of name the popsicle color and if you get them correct you receive a popsicle. He named most of the colors correctly so I asked him which popsicle he would like. He told me "a yellow popsicle mommy" so I gave him a yellow popsicle. Well he handed it back to me and said "no I want a blue popsicle mommy" so as I was handing him a blue popsicle he said "wait mommy, what color is the popsicle" I said "its blue" he said "gooood job mommy!" and proceeded to clap for me. It was hillarious. Does he not know that I know all my colors!
He keeps us laughing with funny stuff every single day! He also likes to say "oh okay mommy or daddy" as if we need his approval on any matter. It is amazing how much a 2 year olds vocabulary grows day by day. Thought I would attach a couple of pictures of my crumb snatchers.
Trey cracks me up with his little personality! Lovin' the picture of the boys in their Florida get-ups. Too cute!
They are getting so big. Love Trey's smile. You got me cracking up over here with Trey's comments to you.
Aren't kids funny? Cute pics.
Yeah, Trey has alot of personality. I saw that when you came the last time.
Oh yeah, Brayden has a hard time with the colors too. I wonder if that's a boy thing because Danae knew her colors before she could identify all her letters. Brayden can identify every letter and tell you their sounds but can't point out yellow or red. Weird.
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