Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Did I tell you guys that Preston got in a fight with some ants? Well unfotunately he lost the fight. Preston has about 30 ant bites on his body. 10 on his head, 10 on his abdomen and 10 on his leg/foot. I found a couple of ants by Capri's dog bowl which is where I think Preston encountered them. However he never cried or whimpered when he was bitten. I actually noticed them when he woke up one day this past week. Poor Trey was just devastated about his brothers ant bites and now he wants to step on all the ants in existence. Trey was also adamant that we should put bandaids on his ant bites....no dude!


Angie said...

How sweet is Paul? What a good big brother!

bklynq said...

Was Preston trying to protect Capri's food from the ants? :-) That is such a nice brother wanting to put bandaids on all the ant bites.