Monday, June 8, 2009

Back to reality!

Well, Paul and I were up all last night. Honestly, Paul was up all night I had taken some Ambien and was hallucinating for most of the night. Preston has had a fever since late Saturday evening and unfortunately it really got high last night. We went to the doctor this morning and his strept test was negative along with everything else. She believes its a virus but isn't sure. I have to take him back in a couple of days if the fever does not subside. I actually think it is strept and that Trey may have it too because he has been telling me for 2 days that his tongue hurts. He seems to tell me that everytimes he eats or drinks something but he has no fever or anything else. I am sure he can't distinguish between his throat and just typically mouth pain. So I guess we will just wait it out a couple more days.

Say a little pray for Preston tonight. I always hate to see babies sick because they look so wimpy and helpless.


Anonymous said...

AHH. Poor Preston. We say a prayer for him.


Bridgette's Odyssey said...

I hope Preston feels better soon and that Trey doesn't have it too. I hate to see babies sick too.

Melissa Holmes said...

Sounds kind of like when Sydni had hand foot mouth syndrome when she was a baby. Just FYI

Angie said...

Oh no! I am so sorry, Preston! Feel better soon :)

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