Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Random stuff

Preston had his first trip to the Emergency Room this past weekend. He had been having a low grade fever for 24 hours and it finally got up to 102.9 by Sunday so I took him in to avoid having to miss work if something serious was going on. As it turns out he only had a cold. He was having some diarrhea too but its hard to tell if its from a stomach virus or teething. He still feels great and talks all day long (well a lot of da da's, gurgling, squealing and laughing). He is such a laid back happy baby.

My parents were here this past weekend spending time with the kids. It is so wonderful to have them somewhat close to us. They love being with us and we love having them visit, Trey especially. On Saturday afternoon they took Trey and Preston to Chuck E Cheese (sp.) and out to dinner. Paul and I went to a Ball that evening (pictures and post about that later). Trey had an amazing time and played for hours with his grandpa at Chuck E Cheese. My mom said Preston just looked around and smiled at all the chaos surrounding him. I am glad they took them to Chuck E Cheese because Paul and I hate that place. It is too crowded and busy! I can not think straight when I am there because there just isn't enough space to accomodate all those kids and parents, but anything for the babies!

Trey fell out in the front yard as grandpa and nanna drove away on Sunday evening. I almost started crying because they were about to cry and Trey was screaming to go with them. It was a mess! He did finally relax but I had to promise him all sorts of things to calm him down.

Oh and this is kinda funny. As I was stepping out of the shower about a week ago Trey walked in. I have been dressing and undressing in front of him since he was born, he's only 2 right? Well he stopped dead in his tracks and just stared at me. He pointed at me and said "Oh no where is Mommy's pee pee?" I tried to act like I didn't hear him for some strange reason but he yelled it out again with so much concern. Then he said "Oh my goodness Mommy's pee is gone bye bye." As I am running to my dresser to retrieve some underwear I explained to him that girls have a different pee pee than boys. He said okay then he said no but where is mommy's pee pee as he is trying to move the underwear to inspect the pee pee.

Is it really time to stop undressing in front of my two year old? He is not ready for the word "vagina" yet but he knows he has a penis. Daddy has had the 'nobody touches you there but mommy and daddy talk' with him but they are so curious at such a young age!

Oh and Preston rolled off the sofa during the superbowl game Sunday. I got up to take something out the microwave and all I heard was "pop." He is okay though and he only cried for a little bit. I felt like the worse mommy ever!


Anonymous said...

It's great that Trey loves his grandparents so much. I am imagining all the things you promised him.

Ummmm....where's mommy's pee pee?? I am dying over here.

Bridgette's Odyssey said...

I'm glad Preston is okay from the fall and the fever.

My kids enjoy their grands but they never cry when they leave. They're like "alright bye see you later" and move on to the next thing. I hate Chuck E Cheese's too, by the way.

You better go find your pee pee girl so Trey won't be too worried. That made me LOL. I guess because Brayden has a big sister and mommy, he already knows that boys and girls have different body parts.