My little baby Preston is 18 months old now! He has been the best addition to the family we could ever ask for. He is such a sweet baby but with a very spicy attitude. He truly is not concerned about being the second child when it comes to his brother because he just knocks him out whenever he is in the way....not good! But nonetheless, watching them grow up and bond with each other is amazing. Often when Preston cries in his crib you will hear him cry out for his brother Paul. When Trey hears him he jumps up running to his room and says "Preston its okay I'm right here, what do you want Preston." Preston will tell Trey what he wants which is usually "milk" and Trey runs right downstairs to the fridge and gets his cup then he lets me know that Preston is up and has his milk already. They do however fight from time to time but the good times definitely outway the bad. And I must say life is getting a little easier as they get older.
Preston did really well at his 18 month check up this week. He got one shot and it happened so quickly that he wasn't able to cry. He just frowned and looked at that bandaid like WTHeck! But he now weighs in at 28 pounds and is 35 inches tall.
The picture below is hillarious though. Daddy and I were running the kids bath water and we turned our backs to smooch in the corner. Paul stopped to tell the kids to wrap it up and get ready for their bath. Trey started putting his toys away but Preston kept sitting their reading his books. So Daddy told said "Preston lets get ready for a bath." Well when we turned back around Preston had done just what we asked him.... He got in the bathtub with his clothes on! Luckily, his pants were at least off because we had just changed his diaper a little while ago.

Well at least he is a good listener!