Oh and I have to get a new camera because the pictures keep getting darker and darker.....maybe for Xmas!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Parade of Costumes!
Today was Parade of Costumes at Primrose School. The kids all looked cute as pie. Trey dressed as Wow Wow Wubbzy and Preston was Thomas the Train. There were tons of parents there to watch their child in the parade and take lots of pictures. Trey was proud to be in the line up with all of his friends and bounced around like it was Xmas morning. There was only one child in the entire school who did not wear a costume and I felt just terrible for him. I thought about Trey last year because he didn't wear a costume and I know he must have been just as embarrased and sad to see all of his friends dressed up. But anywhoo it was so much fun and the kids loved it of course. It is definitely a wonderful way to semi celebrate a holiday that you don't really celebrate. The parents bought in non-sweet treats such as fruit, crackers, cheese's etc and the kids still had a wonderful time. Tomorrow evening we will probably join my cousin at their church to enjoy their Fall Festival and activities.

Oh and I have to get a new camera because the pictures keep getting darker and darker.....maybe for Xmas!
Oh and I have to get a new camera because the pictures keep getting darker and darker.....maybe for Xmas!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Old School Player
So I was sitting in the back of the church with the kids last weekend somewhat enjoying the service. The back pews are allocated for parents with small children, basically a way to keep all the noise in the back of the church and cut down on folks getting up and down running to the potty or mother's room with their screaming kids. Well this older gentlemen well dressed in a double breasted suit with a vest and matching gators walked in late and was forced to sit on the back pew next to me and my kids. Of course you could tell he wasn't too happy about it because of all the kids and muffled talking but he had no choice. Well as we got further into the service Preston started to get really fussy because he was sleepy and didn't want to willingly fall asleep. Of course I was doing my best to keep him quiet and contained but he was still a little resistant. So the "old school player" next to me asked could he hold Preston for a minute and take him out to calm him (remember how the old ushers use to do it). I don't think he really gave me a chance to respond to his request because he had already grabbed for him and Preston was half way out of my arms so I just said okay very quietly. My girlfriend next to me just looked like where in the heck is he going with your baby? I had no clue and just watched the back door until they returned.
Well 3 minutes later they came back. Preston was quiet with no tears and Mr. Old School had a switch (small branch from a tree)in his hand. He handed Preston to me and then he put the switch in the compartment where the little wine glasses go for communion. My eyes were so big! He whispered to me that he took him out by the tree, got a switch and had a little talk with him about being quiet in church or his mommy would "tear his little legs up." Preston laid on my chest and went to sleep in 1 minute. I still don't know what to make of this story..............
Well 3 minutes later they came back. Preston was quiet with no tears and Mr. Old School had a switch (small branch from a tree)in his hand. He handed Preston to me and then he put the switch in the compartment where the little wine glasses go for communion. My eyes were so big! He whispered to me that he took him out by the tree, got a switch and had a little talk with him about being quiet in church or his mommy would "tear his little legs up." Preston laid on my chest and went to sleep in 1 minute. I still don't know what to make of this story..............
Sunday, October 25, 2009
15 Months Old

It is really amazing to see how much Preston has grown! He is such a big boy and a delight. We went to his 15 month check up last week and he is weighing in at 26 pounds and standing at 33 inches tall (100%) for height. He is charming but has definitely started to develope a little attitude well I guess some personality traits that I would prefer stay hidden for a little longer. He is still best friends with his big brother although they wrestle and fight all the time. Preston still can't win the fights so as a way to counteract he bites Trey...not good! He has 12 teeth and they do not feel good when he gets a hold of you. He loves to eat and read books or at least pretend to read books.

Life passes by so fast when the little ones are growing up!

And he looks more and more like my daddy everyday! Genetics is amazing.....
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Happy Anniversary
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
My Little Genious!
Did I ever tell you that Trey can work his dad's I-Phone? Well he seems to be a brainiac when it comes to devices. What's amazing but strange is that Paul never tried to teach him how to work the phone. We tend to actually hide our phones from both of the boys in order to keep them from getting damaged but every time we turn our head Trey picks up his phone. When we were driving to Alabama last weekend Trey was screaming about wanting to watch a video on his dad's phone. This is something that he and his daddy does almost every night at bedtime. They read his Bible, work on flash cards and then for fun watch a FL Gators football video on YouTube. Well Paul locked the phone and gave it to him to quiet him, of course we were both thinking this would keep his mind occupied for a while because he has no idea how to unlock it (or rather what's the code to unlock it). But 5 minutes later we hear the phone playing a song...WTHeck? How did he get the phone unlocked, how did he find his favorite video, how did he get the video to play? All good questions right? Well it appears that he has been watching his daddy very closely and he memorized the number code to unlock the phone and he has also learned to maneuver through the icons. Simply amazing at 3 years old! He clicks on those icons really quick, then flips the phone around to watch something or adjust his view. When he gets tired of a video he exits and finds more to watch. He also does other little querky smart things around the house that we never knew he could do and is pretty good with the computer.

I think he takes after his mother!

I think he takes after his mother!

Monday, October 5, 2009
We tagged along with Paul for an overnight surgical conference in Birmingham, AL this weekend. I think this was my first time in Birmingham besides driving through on the way to Houston but the city was really nice. I guess I just feel like Alabama is such a southern country state that there would be horses strolling down the highways, well not really but you know what I am saying. It took a little more than it should have to actually travel there though. Mainly because Preston was sick with a virus (typical daycare funk) and Trey had to pee pee every thirty minutes. But its all to be expected when traveling with little ones. Well on the first stop I knew I was in Alabama. When entering the "Stateline" gas station and food mart the cashier whom I assume was on her lunch break at 8:30pm was standing at the end of the counter near the register smoking a cigarette. Yes smoking a cigarette at the front counter of the store. Who in the hell let's their employees smoke while in the building. She was wrinkled and leathery and did not say a word when we walked in. We politely pottied and paid for our drinks then got the heck out of there! It is definitely something I needed to take a picture of but I did not want to whip out the camera on these back wood bamas!
Anyway, we enjoyed a day at the Birmingham Zoo while we were there. Trey had an absolute blast walking through the park and Preston was barely well enough to hold up his head. After a dose of Motrin and Tylenol he perked up a little but not enough to enjoy himself. When we got back to Atlanta he started to feel a little better so late Sunday afternoon we got dressed and headed to the North GA State Fair. Unfortunately, when we got there it started drizzling and Preston was screaming like someone had choked him so we made a u-turn, went out to dinner and watched a movie with the kids.
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