So I rushed home from work yesterday to vacuum the floor before picking the kids up from school. I had sprinkled carpet fresh down the night before and didn't want them to come home until I had vacuumed it all up. So I rushed upstairs to get out of my work clothes and into something more comfortable like jeans and a tshirt. As I walked into my bathroom I noticed something funny looking. My closet door was ajar and the inside looked very junky for some reason. My entire top rack of my closet had fallen down! All of my clothes, purses, etc are on the floor. I simply took a deep breath, found a tshirt and some scrub bottoms and walked out. Unfortunately, I wore the same outfit to work today because I did not have the energy to search for clothes to wear.
Life is simply wonderful!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
My first pet!
This weekend was an eventful one for Trey. By default he ended up getting his first pet, a fish. We took Capri to the vet at PetSmart and of course Trey wanted to cruise around the store and look at all the pets. I waited until the end to go to the fish section because I knew he would go crazy about the fish. We were also unfortunately watching Neemo in the car on the way to the pet store. Well we got over to the fish and Trey got really excited. He begged for a fish and being the giving parent that I am I got him one. It is a Betta fish and supposedly really easy to maintain, much easier than a goldfish. I don't have to buy a filter and clean the aquarium as often which sold me immediately. Trey named the fish "Neemo" (how original). Well his excitement didn't last too long because when he handed the fish to the cashier to ring up; he quickly turned to look at some "kitty cats" and yelled out "I don't want a fish anymore I want to see the kitty cats!" He was so loud that everyone started laughing as he threw a tantrum in the buggy with Capri and Preston inside of it too. I snatched the fish from the cashier and just walked out. By the time he got in his carseat he wanted his fish again. I am sure Neemo was concerned about his new owner because Trey shook him up in the bag for 20 minutes trying to make him swim and open his pretty fins....not good!
The picture of Neemo isn't so great because my old 5 Megapixel camera is dying but you get the picture. The other pics are the kids giving Capri a bath tonight. Poor Capri seemed terrified during her bath. Trey was drowning her with water and Preston was pulling her ears laughing hysterically! They really had a blast and wet up the entire bathroom including me but it was fun!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
10 Months old!
There are so many things going on in my life that I have neglected blogging. Since I don't have the energy to talk about them right now I will only focus on positive stuff, like Preston turning 10 months old.
What is he doing right now:
*cruising along the furniture
*eating dog food, mashed potatoes, biscuits, pancakes, yogurt (his favorite), spinach and anything else we are eating. He does still eat baby food but he has mostly been interested in table food for the last 3 or 4 weeks.
*sleeping 12-13 hours (hip hip hooray)
*wrestling with his big brother and his friends at school
*getting bad conduct reports from school because he keeps beating up his friends
*learning sign language (he can only do "more" which is really a clap and "thank you")
*standing in the dishwasher eating the dirty dishes that I am attempting to load (not good)
*going up the stairs (even worse)
*and biting everyone all while laughing (still not good)
But he is such a delight! I do believe he is going to be a bigger challenge than Trey was because he already tries to do whatever his big brother does which unfortunately includes acrobatics or other unacceptable crap. But anywho........
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
Over and over again I thank God for my biggest accomplishment, becoming a mother. I can not imagine my life without my little ones. And I can not imagine my life without the man who assisted me in becoming a mother. As I get older I appreciate my mother more and more. I now understand and realize why she did the things she did. It all makes sense now.
This mother's day weekend was absolutely wonderful. Paul and I had another date night and went to dinner and a movie. Star Trek was awesome by the way. A little futuristic but action packed and easy to follow. On Sunday we spent the day together as a family at the Georgia Aquarium. Trey had an absolute ball! He loved seeing all the sea animals and did not want to leave. He had a complete melt down when we left and exited the building screaming and crying. Some old white guy actually got him to calm down and stop crying since daddy and I just stood there and waited for him to finish him tantrum. He will one day realize that life is going to get even tougher. But, he cheered up when daddy stopped by McDonald's to pick him up some ice cream.
The picture above are the cutest little cards the kids made for me at school last week. Preston's card has his little footprints as the flower and Trey's card has his finger prints as the bud of the flower. Daddy gave me a card, flowers, breakfast in bed and the permission to talk trash all day without any back talk. Today was definitely a good day!
Happy Mother's Day to all the fabulous mothers out there!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

This is a question to the moms. When will I be able to poop alone again? My kids will not let me go into the bathroom alone. If dad is home of course that's not an issue but most of the time its just me and them. It's amazing how they appear to not be phased by the funk filling the room. I ask Trey all the time to go and watch tv because it stinks in here but he just tells me no he wants to sit with mommy. Not only do they sit and camp out in the bathroom but they bring their toys to keep them entertained. Trey walks in with 15 cars and Preston crawls in with a toy in one hand and another toy in his mouth. Poor Preston just follows Trey where ever he goes. But he is probably use to foul smells since he poops in his diaper all day. I guess for him its just a walk in the park!
Anyway, the picture has nothing to do with the post. I figured I would take everyone's mind off of my bottom with something more pleasant like Preston eating his favorite snack Cheerios. Generil Mills must be making a killing off of these cereal because I don't know any kids who do not love them. Preston tries to pick up 20 at a time and drops half of them on the way to his mouth because he is so excited to taste it.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
After having 4 days of relaxing and meditating on my cruise I realized that I not only need more "me" time but I need more "us" time. That us only includes Paul and I. We promised 8 years ago that we would always make time for each other and we would always have at least one date night per month. Unfortunately when the kids came along and Paul's career sky rocketed we stopped having our date nights and just got out whenever we could. It seems like our entire life evolves around work, everyday issues and of course the kids.
Well that is all about to change. We have recommitted to being young and free again. Of course there are some stipulations with that. We are grown with two wonderul sons so no crazy stuff. Just getting back to doing what we loved to do many years ago which is embracing each others every word and thought. Last night we started officially "dating" again. We had a wonderful evening with a few friends at The Wine Loft for wine tasting (I hate wine by the way) but the spot was very sophisticated with a great atmosphere. After everyone else tasted wine we left hungry and headed over to a sports bar to do "real" stuff like watch the basketball playoffs, eat chicken wings and drink $5 margaritas.
Thank God for my list of babysitters they make my life so much easier!
Well that is all about to change. We have recommitted to being young and free again. Of course there are some stipulations with that. We are grown with two wonderul sons so no crazy stuff. Just getting back to doing what we loved to do many years ago which is embracing each others every word and thought. Last night we started officially "dating" again. We had a wonderful evening with a few friends at The Wine Loft for wine tasting (I hate wine by the way) but the spot was very sophisticated with a great atmosphere. After everyone else tasted wine we left hungry and headed over to a sports bar to do "real" stuff like watch the basketball playoffs, eat chicken wings and drink $5 margaritas.
Thank God for my list of babysitters they make my life so much easier!
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