Monday, March 30, 2009
Today Trey went to school in only underwear; no pullups, no diapers only his clothes and Elmo underwear. He did not have one single accident! He went on the potty all day and received treats in return from his teachers. After school I took him to get french fries as a reward. He even woke us up at midnight last night to pee pee on the potty and was dry the next morning. It was too cute, especially since daddy got up do help him instead of me! But we kinda just wanted him to pee in the diaper at night not wake us up. But they say we shouldn't complain.............
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Late flights
Paul's flight was suppose to land on Saturday evening at 7:20pm. The flight was delayed 4 times due to weather. Therefore, I was at the airport picking him up at 11:30pm. We didn't get home until midnight. I hadn't slept in over 24 hours. It was a quiet drive home. I told him I missed him, what happened the night before and that I didn't have energy to hear about his trip (although he was trying to tell me about it anyway). He would have to fill me in on the details later. When we got home I took the baby monitor out of my room and gave it to my parents downstairs. I took two Benadryl, had a shot of Kaluha and shut my bedroom door. Finally, I got 8 hours of sleep!
But I still feel like a truck hit me...maybe a dump truck instead of a Mac truck.
But I still feel like a truck hit me...maybe a dump truck instead of a Mac truck.
The night from hell!
So on Friday we sent Preston back to school because he seemed to be feeling just fine. Trey however couldn't go to school because he was suppose to be on bedrest for 72 hours and was not allowed to run and play. Unfortunately he didn't feel well on post op day 2 or 3 due to fevers. But we did take him out for a couple of hours on Thursday to visit my little cousin who was having open heart surgery at the children's hospital in Atlanta. He is one year old and doing wonderful. I thought I was stressed with my little ones having day surgery until I saw him ventilated with three IV's and a huge incision down his little chest. But anyway........
Friday evening mom made dinner, my dad arrived and my girlfriend Dione came over to visit the boys. We put the kids to bed and sat around and chatted. I was so exhausted by the end of the evening but relieved I had so much help with the kids that I decided to make sure I would finally get a good nights rest. After Dione left I took two Benadryl and had a glass of red wine (I hate wine by the way) but I figured it would be good for my heart and help me sleep. Well I did go to sleep around 12mn (sitting up talking to my mom and watching TBN) but I had no idea that the night would take so many wrong turns.
1:45am Preston wakes up screaming. I let him cry for about 10 minutes hoping he would go back to sleep but he just got louder and louder. He is teething and isn't sleeping so well right now. So I go and grab Preston and bring him back in bed with me.
2:00am The ALARM goes off! My bootleg nicotine addicted father opened the back door to go outside to smoke. Who in the hell smokes at 2am? Well if you have an alarm system then you know that it is extremely loud when it is triggered. Preston started screaming. Trey woke up screaming. I turned off the alram ran into his room with Preston in tow, to find him in the middle of his room drenched in sweat and crying "mommy mommy hurry the police cars are here!" His fever of 102.5 was finally breaking and he was engulfed in sweat as well as crying from the fear of the loud alarm.
2:30am Preston and I are still in Trey's room because he will not let me leave. Preston is wide awake because Trey sleeps with a little race car night light in which he thought he should have a conversation with. He talked to the lamp, crawled all over Trey's back and face and then started to bite him. Trey just quietly said "lay down Preston and go night night; no biting it's not nice Preston" as he is patting his little brothers back. Preston just kept on laughing and talking to the lamp. He crawled all round the bed and on our faces. Meanwhile, I am talking to God and asking him why?
2:45am I finally leave Trey's room. I am still upset with my dad and basically delusional because I had taken Benadryl and had wine to help induce some sort of sleep but I couldn't sleep because I was doing damage control.
3:00amSo I took Preston to my dad (as I gave him some choice words) and walked back to my room alone. (Remember Paul is out of town). Before I lie back down I turned the chime off of the alarm so there is no sound when this fool goes back out to smoke move right?Well as soon as Trey heard to chime he started screaming again "mommy mommy the police cars are back!" He is pounding on his door for me to come open it and let him out.
3:15am Still in Trey's room comforting him. I finally said this isn't going to work and I can't sleep in here with you so let's go to my room. I had to get him a glass of milk and turn on the cartoons for him to finally relax. I think I fell asleep for a minute only to find him still awake watching tv.
4:30am I turned the tv off and we both finally went to sleep.
8:00am Everyone is awake and ready to rock and roll except for me. I felt like a mac truck had run me over. I helped my mom feed the kids, ate, got them cleaned and out of their pajamas and went to church alone. I needed to get out of the house by myself and talk to God!
Friday evening mom made dinner, my dad arrived and my girlfriend Dione came over to visit the boys. We put the kids to bed and sat around and chatted. I was so exhausted by the end of the evening but relieved I had so much help with the kids that I decided to make sure I would finally get a good nights rest. After Dione left I took two Benadryl and had a glass of red wine (I hate wine by the way) but I figured it would be good for my heart and help me sleep. Well I did go to sleep around 12mn (sitting up talking to my mom and watching TBN) but I had no idea that the night would take so many wrong turns.
1:45am Preston wakes up screaming. I let him cry for about 10 minutes hoping he would go back to sleep but he just got louder and louder. He is teething and isn't sleeping so well right now. So I go and grab Preston and bring him back in bed with me.
2:00am The ALARM goes off! My bootleg nicotine addicted father opened the back door to go outside to smoke. Who in the hell smokes at 2am? Well if you have an alarm system then you know that it is extremely loud when it is triggered. Preston started screaming. Trey woke up screaming. I turned off the alram ran into his room with Preston in tow, to find him in the middle of his room drenched in sweat and crying "mommy mommy hurry the police cars are here!" His fever of 102.5 was finally breaking and he was engulfed in sweat as well as crying from the fear of the loud alarm.
2:30am Preston and I are still in Trey's room because he will not let me leave. Preston is wide awake because Trey sleeps with a little race car night light in which he thought he should have a conversation with. He talked to the lamp, crawled all over Trey's back and face and then started to bite him. Trey just quietly said "lay down Preston and go night night; no biting it's not nice Preston" as he is patting his little brothers back. Preston just kept on laughing and talking to the lamp. He crawled all round the bed and on our faces. Meanwhile, I am talking to God and asking him why?
2:45am I finally leave Trey's room. I am still upset with my dad and basically delusional because I had taken Benadryl and had wine to help induce some sort of sleep but I couldn't sleep because I was doing damage control.
3:00amSo I took Preston to my dad (as I gave him some choice words) and walked back to my room alone. (Remember Paul is out of town). Before I lie back down I turned the chime off of the alarm so there is no sound when this fool goes back out to smoke move right?Well as soon as Trey heard to chime he started screaming again "mommy mommy the police cars are back!" He is pounding on his door for me to come open it and let him out.
3:15am Still in Trey's room comforting him. I finally said this isn't going to work and I can't sleep in here with you so let's go to my room. I had to get him a glass of milk and turn on the cartoons for him to finally relax. I think I fell asleep for a minute only to find him still awake watching tv.
4:30am I turned the tv off and we both finally went to sleep.
8:00am Everyone is awake and ready to rock and roll except for me. I felt like a mac truck had run me over. I helped my mom feed the kids, ate, got them cleaned and out of their pajamas and went to church alone. I needed to get out of the house by myself and talk to God!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Surgery day

I am so thankful that this day is over! Trey and Preston both had surgery this morning and they are at home recovering well. Preston went first and only cried after he started to wake up from anesthesia. Trey went second and because he had multiple proceduries done he took much longer and will have a harder recovery. But he did absolutely wonderful. He is the most mature and relaxed two year old I have ever met (and I am not just saying that because he's my son). He never cried once, nor did he moan, groan or complain. He told all the nurses and doctors thank you and tried hard to say it with a smile. His throat is sore because he was intubated but he ate really well tonight. I am so thankful to God for covering my children with the blood of the lamb. It was overwhelming to feel a complete lose of control when you place your child in the hands of surgeons, anesthesia folks and nurses. Although, I have been working in medicine for a decade it hits you differently when your kids are lying in that cold operating room hooked up to a respirator.
My awesome mother is here with me and I couldn't have done it without her. Paul of course was there for the surgeries but left after they were released to recovery. He also leaves in the morning on a flight to AL for a conference. So mom will be with me until Sunday and my dad will join us on Friday. Moving closer to home was a blessing for us and God always guides your steps in the right direction when you follow his word.
Thanks for all the prayers and calls today. I love you guys! And maybe for the first time in months I will sleep!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Peace...if only for a couple of hours!
Paul just left with the kids to spend the day at the car show downtown. The house is so quiet. I don't want to hear the television, radio or talk on the phone. I just want to sit here for a moment and breath without any thoughts.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
B-Ball Night Out
Tonight we had a fabulous time at the Hawks game. It was also Preston's first professional basketball game. Both the kids had a wonderful time and were on their best behavior. Trey screamed, clapped, jumped around in his seat and ate tons of popcorn. Preston met a new friend named Sarah (some white lady sitting behind us) and sat with her for most of the game. I think she fell in love with him. He is super friendly and loves to be bashful. Luckily, by the time we made it to the car and got onto the highway they were fast asleep.
Also Preston turned 8 months old today...YAY! He is crawling, pulling up and eating dog food. I know...what the heck? Well I put him down in front of the tv with tons of toys while I went into the kitchen to start dinner and he crawled over to the dog's bowl and started licking Capri's dog food. Trey actually caught him and yelled out "oh my goodness Preston don't eat the dog food, it's for doggies!" It was really hillarious. Paul said its good protein for him.....thank God he's a urologist and not a dietician!
Friday, March 13, 2009
I am truly exhausted. My kids are sick and my husband has been sick for a week. My job is "reconstructing" and we have been asked to move within 2 days. Please pray for me to keep it together!
Monday, March 9, 2009
I really enjoyed myself back home in Jesup this weekend. My daddy turned 56 and we had a family cookout and surprised him with cake and icecream. I think Trey had the best time of all. He played for 7 hours straight with his little cousins. They are all around the same age and they get along really well, but how many toddlers don't like to play together. Anyway, they stayed up until midnight running around in the cold and dark backyard like little roaches (that wasn't nice more like mice). By the time I got him buckled into his carseat to drive back to my parents house he was snoring before we made it to the first stop sign.
It's always wonderful to go back to where you came from and reminisce about the past and growing up. But let me just jot down a little bit of foolishness I observed while I was there. Just to give you a mental picture of where I grew up; imagine a town of only 10,000 people, ten red lights, one Walmart (just built maybe 8 years ago), one fast food restaurant per chain, one high school and a railroad track that at least use to separate the black folks from the white folks.
Now let's rehash this weekend:
1) Driving into town there is a maybe 300 lb billy goat on the side of the highway grazing. No gate, no chains, no nothing)
2) A small filling station translation gas station for you city folks with a sign out front saying "Bait and Tackle, Box of Marlboro ($ can't remember how much) and Tanning Bed." Now what in the hell are they doing with a tanning bed in the gas station?
3) And lastly, why did every male cousin/uncle over 40 years old have no teeth at the top. I am so disappointed but couldn't stop laughing at these fools as they continued to get drunk. No one has dental insurance so when a tooth starts hurting they just snatch it out...WTHeck@@!!
4) Oh and the homemade grill that burns until the party ends to keep all the alcoholics warm outside because the ladies won't let them come inside the house....a mess!
But it was a good weekend and my dad was very happy to see us especially since I drove down with the kids by myself (4 hour trip) because Paul had to work. He didn't think I was going to come alone so he was pleasantly surprised. Preston did wonderul and Trey did pretty good. He just has ants in his pants and doesn't want to sit in that carseat for more than an hour. I was fortunate this time and only stopped once each way. It was so much going on in less than 24 hours that I forgot to take any pictures. But I probably wouldn't have posted any of my uncles because you fools would put them on an email and talk bad about my peoples.....LOL!
It's always wonderful to go back to where you came from and reminisce about the past and growing up. But let me just jot down a little bit of foolishness I observed while I was there. Just to give you a mental picture of where I grew up; imagine a town of only 10,000 people, ten red lights, one Walmart (just built maybe 8 years ago), one fast food restaurant per chain, one high school and a railroad track that at least use to separate the black folks from the white folks.
Now let's rehash this weekend:
1) Driving into town there is a maybe 300 lb billy goat on the side of the highway grazing. No gate, no chains, no nothing)
2) A small filling station translation gas station for you city folks with a sign out front saying "Bait and Tackle, Box of Marlboro ($ can't remember how much) and Tanning Bed." Now what in the hell are they doing with a tanning bed in the gas station?
3) And lastly, why did every male cousin/uncle over 40 years old have no teeth at the top. I am so disappointed but couldn't stop laughing at these fools as they continued to get drunk. No one has dental insurance so when a tooth starts hurting they just snatch it out...WTHeck@@!!
4) Oh and the homemade grill that burns until the party ends to keep all the alcoholics warm outside because the ladies won't let them come inside the house....a mess!
But it was a good weekend and my dad was very happy to see us especially since I drove down with the kids by myself (4 hour trip) because Paul had to work. He didn't think I was going to come alone so he was pleasantly surprised. Preston did wonderul and Trey did pretty good. He just has ants in his pants and doesn't want to sit in that carseat for more than an hour. I was fortunate this time and only stopped once each way. It was so much going on in less than 24 hours that I forgot to take any pictures. But I probably wouldn't have posted any of my uncles because you fools would put them on an email and talk bad about my peoples.....LOL!
Friday, March 6, 2009
TJ Maxx
This is a really stupid post about TJ Maxx. I must start by saying that I love this store! It is definitely on my top five list because I can get name brand items at a low price. BUT, why do they have the skinniest buggies in the world in that store! The store carries clothes, shoes, comforters, pillows, furniture and so much more. Yet they think it is adequate to provide anorexic buggies. The only reason I am now upset about it is because I almost injured my kids with the stupid buggy. Well Preston was in his car seat asleep and the whole car seat would not fit in the front part of the buggy nor the back (belly) part of the buggy. He was chilling in the buggy asleep with a definite gangsta lean. Any sudden movement would send the carseat and him crashing at an angle...NOT good! Well this means that little Tazmanian Devil Trey got an opportunity to push the buggy because there was no where for him to sit. He had a blast, unfortunately; crashing into people, clothing, and other buggies. I seriously had a headache after about 10 minutes. I only went there with both of them because I had to pick up a gift for my dad's surprise birthday party this weekend. I probably will not do it again but I still love TJ Maxx.
Maybe I will email the CEO..............
Maybe I will email the CEO..............
Sunday, March 1, 2009
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