When I was pregnant with Preston I use to take Trey out to dinner every Friday afternoon after work for a nice mommy son dinner. We started out at simple joints like McDonald's, Zaxby's, Chic fil-A and then moved up to nicer places like Outback, Applebee's and Longhorns. I know none of them are fancy but remember I was pregnant and carrying around a then busy 1 year old so I needed somewhere that was kid friendly and loud. But anyway this was our weekly ritual and it was really nice just spending quality time with him outside of the house. He gradually started to do much better with sitting quietly at dinner and not acting like a menace.
So a couple of days ago Preston and I got all dressed up and went out on a lunch date (which we do every week) and on this particular day an african american waitress walked over to our table and said "You are such a pretty black girl." To many of you reading this that would just seem like a nice compliment but to me it screams racism.
Most of my life I have been given the supposed compliment of "your a pretty black girl or your a pretty dark girl." People have even said you have pretty black skin and it makes your teeth look white.....what the he$$! My brothers and sisters, we have been exposed to so much racism, discrimination and labeling that we don't even realize that we are racist against our own people. This comment, to me at least, means that it is unusual to see a darker skinned black woman who is pretty. As if only light skin black woman are attractive and everyone else is just existing. I have even had a few relatives say crap like this and it really offends me. I think ALL black women are beautiful no matter what shade of black they are.
Have we gotten so caught up with the outside world of celebrity and superficial nonsense that we are teaching our children to believe that they are not born beautiful and perfect? My girlfriend Bee and I were talking the other day and she has clowns to tell her that her baby's hair is "negro hair" and another girlfriend told me her little girl who has long wavy hair literally down her back came home from school and said she wanted straight blonde hair like her white friend at school because her hair wasn't pretty.
What needs to happen to remove the negative sterotypes within our own community and our own people. Should we continue to live this life thinking that yakki hair is better than our own. Don't get me wrong people I will rock some extensions in a minute especially for a special occasion but I am comfortable in my shoes and I have no doubt that God made me beautiful.
Oh and don't worry I asked that waitress to have a seat and I schooled her on that dark skin and light skin bull crap. And she really did mean it like she said it that I was a "pretty BLACK girl."
When the rest of the world looks at us there is no light skin or dark skin, it's just BLACK! So why do we care about the degree of our own pigmentation?